Transformation Routines

All transformations are cumulative, so if you rotate something and then do a translate you are translating relative to the rotated axes. If you need to preserve the current transformation matrix use pushmatrix(), do the drawing, and then call popmatrix() to get back where you were before.

void translate
(Coord x,Coord y,Coord z)
Set up a translation. Subsequent drawing will be translated by the specified amount.

void scale
(Coord x,Coord y,Coord z)
Set up scaling factors in x, y, and z axis. Subsequent drawing will be scaled by the specified amount.

void rot
(float angle,char axis)
Set up a rotation in axis axis. Axis is one of x, y, or z. The angle in this case is a real number in degrees.

void rotate
(Angle angle,char axis)
Set up a rotation in axis axis. Axis is one of x, y, or z, and the angle is in tenths of degrees.